Find Faith and Inspiration Online
Sometimes You are ready for faith-filled conversation or a little inspiration, but we aren’t there, May we suggest…
Passing the Peace, with Amy Meyer
An inspiring podcast by Rev. Amy Meyer (a PC(USA)Pastor at First Presbyterian Church of Elgin, Texas). Passing the Peace is a podcast with a progressive look at faith, religion, God, the Bible, and some other stuff!
This free daily online devotional was originally created for youth and young adults, but the content is excellent for adults as well. It has a prayer, a scripture, a meditation and a blessing. It is new each day.
PC(USA) Daily Prayer App
Daily Prayer PC(USA) provides brief services for daily prayer (for both morning and evening) based on the Presbyterian Book of Common Worship, including psalms for the day, readings from the daily lectionary, and prayers of thanksgiving and intercession., hosted by Peter Wallace
Through sermons, blogs, video and audio resources, Day 1 proclaims a positive, passionate faith for today. Day1 is the voice of the historic Protestant churches, presenting outstanding preachers from the mainline denominations, including the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, the Episcopal Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), United Church of Christ, United Methodist Church, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), American Baptist Churches, and others.
UKirk Daily
UKirk Daily is an app that offers two biblical passages and a prayer. It was created by the PC(USA) College Ministry to encourage collegiate students and young adults to develop a regular practice of connecting with God through listening (reading) and speaking (prayer).
PC(USA)Presbyterian Mission Daily Readings
Daily readings according to two lectionary schedules: the two-year Daily Lectionary from the Book of Common Worship and the three-year Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) for Sundays and festivals.
The Next Right Thing, by Emily P. Freeman
Author of Simply Tuesday and A Million Little Ways, each episode offers a short reflection, a simple action, and a benediction to help you create a little more space for your soul to breathe so you can discern your next right thing.
Strengthening The Soul of Your Leadership, with Ruth Haley Barton
In each 30-minute episode, you will discover how forging and maintaining your own life-giving connection with God is the best thing you bring to leadership.
Sunday Morning Matinee, by Matt Gaventa (of University Presbyterian Church, Austin) and Adam Hearlson
This podcast is about movies and ministry for pastors, preachers, and Sunday school teachers. For each episode, your hosts invite a guest to suggest a movie relevant to the work of the church. Their conversation begins with discussing the film but often expands to questions about who the church is—and who it is called to be—in this time and place. If you can recognize the power of film to inspire our theological imaginations, Sunday Morning Matinee is for you.
Rhythms for Life, with Rebekah Lyons and Gabe Lyons
Are you managing stress or is your stress managing you? What practical steps can you take each day for sustained emotional, spiritual and relational health? transparent conversations brimming with practical advice. From artists, nutritionists and psychologists to thought leaders, advocates and entrepreneurs, listeners will meet expert guides that will help them keep stress and anxiety at bay.
The Confessional, with Nadia Bolz-Weber
Nadia Bolz-Weber is an ordained Lutheran Pastor, founder of House for All Sinners & Saints in Denver, CO, the creator and host of The Confessional and the author of three NYT bestselling memoirs: Pastrix; The Cranky, Beautiful Faith Of A Sinner & Saint (2013), Accidental Saints; Finding God In All The Wrong People (2015) and SHAMELESS; A Sexual Reformation (2019).
Going Scared, with Jessica Honegger (local Austinite and Noonday Founder)
Get ready for honest and vulnerable conversations that will inspire you towards action. Jessica asks guests about their stories, tips, and lessons on living lives of purpose by leaving comfort and going scared. Whether she’s picking someone’s brain about parenting styles or asking the CEO of a billion-dollar company about their professional pitfalls, expect these genuine conversations to be your weekly dose of motivation.
The Turquoise Table, with Kristin Schell
Find ways to get to know your neighbors, create connection with others, and build community where you live. Join Austin author and speaker Kristin Schell, the founder of the #frontyardpeople movement, as she gathers at the table to talk with others about neighboring, community, hospitality, cooking, and more.
Dear Daughters, with Susie Davis
Susie Davis creates a bridge between two groups of women–dear daughters and spiritual mamas. Dear daughters are young women in search of spiritual guidance and spiritual mamas are women just a little further down the road with age-old wisdom to share.
That Sounds Fun, with Annie Downs
Weaving together personal stories, humor, and Scripture, Annie invites you to experience fulfilled lives with a God who made them on purpose and loves them deeply. This podcast releases new episodes every Monday and Thursday. Authors, pastors, musicians, comedians, chefs, athletes - Annie calls them all friend. You will love the conversation in every episode.
The Happy Hour, with Jamie Ivey
Each week Jamie brings a guest to the show. During the happy hour they will discuss anything and everything just as if you were around the table with your own girlfriends. Jamie loves to connect with women and encourage them as they journey through life.
For the Love!, with Jen Hatmaker
"For the love" of...People. Home. Stories. Shoes. Family. Jesus. Community. TV. Travel. Food. Culture. The hilarious best-selling author and star of HGTV’s “My Big Family Renovation” invites you to drop by and catch up with her friends as they laugh and chat about all the things we love.
When you discover new resources and treasures, please share them!